Opinews #7 – $24M for tampons, salad-making robots & Google home brings food to your door

Trying to come up with new business ideas? How about selling tampons and condoms? Naaaaah, why would you do that?

Well, if you had done that just a couple of years ago, perhaps you’d be where tampon and condom subscription company, LOLA, is today: with $24M in the bank. Maybe it’s not so difficult to come up with ideas afterall? The key isn’t always in the idea but rather the execution. So stop procrastinating and do that thing you’ve been thinking about for the past 6 months!

Here’s what we’ve got lined up for you in today’s show:

  • Tampon and condom subscription company, LOLA, raises $24M in their series B round. That’s right… they sell tampons and they’re making a load of money doing it.
  • Google is adding tools to its search engine service that support brick-and-mortar stores.
  • A salad-making robot has managed to raise $11M. Could this be the beginning of the end for chefs?
  • Uber brings on Facebook product director to work on their driver app.
  • Carrefour partners up with Google to provide deliveries through Google Home. Finally, something useful from these smart home systems!
  • And Instagram continues to push its ecommerce features with a new opportunity for businesses.

Tune in to find out more from this week’s Opinews!

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